Sunday, September 06, 2009



They’ve been ballyhooing the fact that things are “all right” now, the recession is over and that they were "in control" all along; their stimulus plan and bailouts worked. Tell that to about 18 million people who are out of work. Here’s what our government is
really saying…

18 million? I know we’re at 9.7% unemployment, but I thought that was only 15 million. Oh, yeah, we just happened to forget to mention the 3 million who have been out of work and who have already fallen off the unemployment eligibility roles. Just a slight oversight… we’ve made a few lately. No big deal.

Oh…I guess you’re right. There are a few million others who need and want to work full-time but are only working part-time, but they’re not really included in the statistics. Now, don’t you “assholes” forget that we saved you 750,000 jobs already this year and the government is going to hire 273,000 additional employees with your money. So, actually, that’s a positive surplus from the predictions and that’s why we’re out of the recession.

Uhhhh, yeah, I guess I did read someplace that 1.3 million more people will fall off the unemployment rolls by the end of the year, but that will reduce the unemployment figures from the current 9.7% down to about 9.0%, which is another sign that we’re making great progress.

Why we’re not talking about the now 89 bank failures this year? Well, they either did not qualify for bailout money or they did not apply for it, so they don’t count. The economy is fine, take my word for it and…. Hey! Listen up you Nazi moron! You unpatriotic mobster, you! Shut up and get out of the way! We’ve got a new Government Run Health Care Plan to get passed and we don’t want you confusing the public with your meaningless, impertinent facts! God damned Town Hall Meetings, anyway….full of paid Fox stooges….

(Just give us six more months to finish getting everything into place and they can take their so-called Democracy and shove it anyway, right Leonid?)

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