Wednesday, September 23, 2009


One of the first moves he made was to try and make G.I.’s pay for their own insurance. Then, we ended up with a House Health Care Plan that left a large loophole open to allow illegal aliens to get free government insurance. Then, he denied that the plan would provide illegal aliens with free insurance; when challenged on that by a Member of Commerce, he gave a wry and condescending smile as if to say, “The guy who just called me a liar is not American and should shut up and get out of the way.” The next day, no fanfare provided or intended, Congress came up with verbiage that should specifically prevent illegals from getting free government health insurance. However, bear in mind that the final language of the Bill has not yet been approved and our friends in Congress have a nasty habit of dropping such clauses at 2:00 AM, just before the vote.

To add insult to injury, we today hear that he plans to give them all amnesty, to declare them as citizens and then to put them on the government-run health plan. In his mind, that solves the illegal alien issue and the insurance issue and his lying issue all in one breath.

Whenever someone in government wants to pull the wool over your eyes, they obfuscate, pontificate, postulate and prevaricate; writing ANY legislation with over 20 pages, let alone 1,000, provides the writer the opportunity to do all kinds of things. When you hire someone from outside government to write the Bill and you make the Bill over 1,000 pages and set up a timeline for a vote that denies a public reading and understanding, and then you force the vote before even those voting can read and understand, just what is it that you are trying to accomplish, could it be, “pulling the wool?” Or, would you call it “glorified dictatorship?”

Next, we talk about closing Guantanamo and bringing those terrorist prisoners to the U.S. and providing them with free government lawyers. While Obama absolutely insists that we will be safe and have nothing to worry about, an Al Queda associate terrorist and his buddies got caught red-handed in the middle of a plot to blow the hell out of something in New York, and law enforcement admits there are many terrorist cells active in the U.S. Are we trying to facilitate an Al Queda family reunion right under our noses, or what?

What about questions from prior to the election that got swept under the rug without answers?

1. If you are running for President of the United States and you donate $40,000 to someone named Khalidi and the Arab American Action Group which in turn sends it to the PLO to try and take down Israel, and your wife is a personal friend of the guy named Khalidi who sponsored a web page on your campaign website until someone in the media discovered the implications....Would THAT be good?

2. If two men from the Middle East with direct ties to Hezbollah contributed heavily to his Presidential campaign, to which he admitted and said he would send the money back, but several months later it appears that they never got the money back, is THAT good?

3. If his Presidential campaign took in over $33 million in contributions from foreign countries, and if over 500 "unidentified" contributions came from Iran.....Is THAT good? If he refused to provide names of those contributors, wouldn’t that be even worse?

4. If you ask questions about a candidate's ties to terrorism or voter fraud, is that really, as some Congressman has suggested, racial bigotry? Is the question itself racial bigotry? Or, is the whole scene good, bad, or horse-faced? Who really IS playing the race card here, and what is the object? What's this with Carter, Clinton and Cosby calling us "racists?" Would Obama rather have us on the brink of another Civil War as a penalty for being against his stupid health care bill or for showing up and asking questions at Town Hall meetings? Or, is this all about steering us away from the real issues so that he can get his way while our minds run astray?

5. OBAMA denied being connected to ACORN at all. Nevertheless, he did represent them as their attorney. And, nevertheless, he did volunteer to teach them how to pressure banks into giving home loans to unqualified borrowers. Then, after becoming President, he arranged for them to take the 2010 Census and signed into law a Bill giving them $8 billion of our money, and he has the unmitigated gall to say over the weekend that he doesn’t really know all that much about ACORN or pay much attention to them?

Since ACORN is smack dab in the middle of the biggest voter fraud scandal in recent memory, since they are Democratic oriented and strongly support Obama and have asked him to help them after he gets in the WHITE HOUSE, is that Good, Bad, or totally Un-American and really.......against the law?

6. If he signed a petition saying that Bill Ayers is a nice guy, is that good, bad or downright Un-American?

7. If he, as a Presidential candidate, refused access to any of his life history, what is he really hiding? I mean, we already know about his associations. We already know what kind of people he has surrounded himself with in the White House. We already know that he has family living in squalid conditions and that he has not lifted one finger to help them. We already know that he is a manipulative liar. What else could he possibly be hiding that is even worse than what we already know….in his college records, in his medical records and in his birth records? Just why did he spend over $800,000 of his own money on lawyers to fight of access to his birth records, and just why did Congress and the Attorney General drop that question like a hot potato?

8. Why did he list about $850,000 in donations from his Presidential campaign to ACORN as being for staging and lighting set ups instead of for donations, when in fact ACORN was the principle supporter for getting out voters for his campaign? What did he anticipate covering up?

Mr. and Mrs. America, how do you feel about spending an extra $1,700 a year in energy costs under “Cap and Trade?” How do you feel about paying an extra $3,800 per year in medical insurance expenses while getting declining services and declining access to health care entirely? How do you feel about saddling your children with these ongoing and growing expenses PLUS untold more thousands of dollars a year in tax burdens because your Congress has been a rubber-stamp for everything he says until you held tea parties and showed up at Town Hall meetings and in Washington to protest… And how do you feel about that same Congress, who told you flat out that they don’t have to listen to you… now manipulating to pass a Health Care Plan by using a little known and not-much-used provision in the rules to avoid the 2/3 majority vote required by other legislation and to allow only a simple majority of 51 to enact it?

I should rephrase that question: Mr. & Mrs. Schmuck, how do you really feel about all of this?

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