Thursday, December 01, 2016


I never thought I would see the day when I'd be advocating that we all start spying on our neighbors.  When you reach that point in a society, you've reached the point of living in Communism, totalitarianism, fascism... it's like turning citizen against citizen.  

We've got to come to grips with the fact that I.S.I.S is here among us.  San Bernardino proved that and Ohio State proved that.  While most of these terrorists were foreign-born extremists, some of them have been American-born radicalized Islamists; regardless of how they got here, they have lived here inconspicuously until they have been motivated to attack.  

There could be one living right next door to you right now, working secretly in a basement, attic or garage to put together a devious, bloody terrorist strike at your local mall or high school football game.  

The F.B.I. and other law enforcement people can only be in so many places at one time.  They can't possibly have knowledge of every kook in every town or city who is planning evil.  Thanks to our outgoing president, we have no idea who they are, where they came from, how they got here or what their instructions are.  The only person standing between them and death in our communities is you... that neighbor or other individual who might hear or know something that could prevent such a thing from happening.  

If you see a truck parked where it shouldn't be, if you hear some guys talking about putting some plan in motion, if someone suddenly starts talking really bad about us or our government and what they'd like to do to it... let somebody in law enforcement know.  Don't be afraid of being called a racist, an Islamophobe or anything else... do the right thing and be a hero.  

And if you get the chance, thank a liberal for putting us in this ugly position.  

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