Thursday, December 15, 2016


Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan have served notice on Donald Trump that they don't like his budget and tax ideas.  Trump's proposed tax cuts may prove to be a little contentious as they worry about the national debt, infrastructure spending, and the repeal of Obamacare.  Surprisingly, it could be that the Obamacare repeal will add to the national debt. 

McConnell laments that he considers the current national debt levels to be dangerous.  But, neither one of these blowhards did anything significant to prevent the national debt from rising over the last eight years.  They may have made a lot of noise and done a lot of posturing, but they both consistently caved in at the end, just like clockwork.  

So, now that Trump and his movement have made it clear to the Washington "establishment" that Americans are sick and tired of their song and dance routines, they step into the bucket with both feet by warning Trump? 

Let's put the blame for our debt crisis right where it belongs... in their hypocritical laps.   

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