Thursday, December 22, 2016


The consummate left-wing Democrats have been so pious in their ongoing insistence that Trump is not a legitimate president-elect... it's laughable. 

"Hillary won the popular vote," they insist.  "We must abide by the wishes of the masses, regardless of what our Constitution says.  Never mind that it's the law of the land; we're Democrats and we can ignore it if we choose."  Obama certainly proved that. 

It's interesting to note that they flatly refuse to discuss voter identification, illegal voters or the fact that in Detroit, there were more votes cast than there were registered voters.  Those are inconvenient truths that must absolutely be banned from all conversations.  

But, Trump won anyway.  

When you boil it all down, we are the ones who are to blame, simply because their poop doesn't stink.  The reason their poop doesn't stink, my friends, is that they never poop...  and that explains a lot, doesn't it?  

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