Friday, December 16, 2016


They've tried without success to blame the Russians, white male bias, the Electoral College, miscounts, the F.B.I... they've blamed almost everybody and every thing for losing the November elections.  But, they're now aiming their rage at Huma Abedin.  “Maybe I’m just pissed off, but I really don’t give a s**t about what happens to Huma to be honest with you,” a close Clinton advisor says.  

Many have suggested that Abedin and others in the Clinton “inner circle” may have suffocated the candidate and prevented her from being open to outside counsel.  They reinforced all the bad habits, according to some.  And then, of course, there was the associated Anthony Weiner debacle with the laptop. 

I guess we'll just have to cave in and admit that Hillary herself is not to blame for losing.  How could she be when she's America's darling?  

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