Monday, December 19, 2016


Facebook has announced it is hiring and appointing a team of Fact checkers" to censor posts to the site in order to make certain no "fake news" is published therein.  In doing so, they accuse every American who uses the site to be incapable of determining for him or herself the validity of any statements being made.  

Our Constitution gives us the right to freely express our opinions and beliefs; that freedom opens the door to public discourse about anything and everything including public events, government, unions, judges... you name it.  When Facebook appoints a team of censors, (and they are truly censors in every sense of the word), to determine what is real and what is fake and to obliterate what they feel is fake, then the national door is opened for censorship of the news press and media, as well as free speech everywhere.  

This mentality on their part is nothing short of fascism.  They are to blame for taking a giant step toward dismantling a cornerstone of our Constitution.  

I don't want anything to do with them.  

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