Thursday, December 29, 2016


NEWSMAX.COM is reporting a North Korean diplomat defector is saying Kim Jong-un will have functioning nuclear weapons within the year.  He said said political uncertainty in the United States and South Korea could give North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "an apt time" to develop the weapons.  

It is known that North Korea has tested at least two nuclear devices and is continuing tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear devices.  That country has also worked closely with Iran in its nuclear weapons development program.  It is also known that North Korea's program has been on "full speed ahead," probably due to Obama's tepid interaction with Iran and the resulting nuclear "deal."  

As we have suspected, if Iran can make a "deal" which will allow it to have nuclear weapons, why can't we expect North Korea to proceed with its own program?  

And we all know who to blames for this predicament, don't we?    

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