Friday, June 12, 2015


This administration could look you straight in the eye and insist that the sun does, in fact, set in the East.  Just as they would tell you we are winning the war against terrorism and I.S.I.S., just as they would pound their fists on the table and declare that you can keep your plan if you like your plan, so would they say with a stern face that there are 57 states in the union and that Obama is the closest thing to a Jew to ever occupy the White House.  

Tuesday, it was said by some of the Obama elite zombie cadre that the number of records of federal employees hacked by China was probably closer to 2 million than the 4 million previously reported.  Yesterday, we learned through a government employees union that the number of federal employees who had their personnel records hacked by China was indeed not 4 million.... it was closer to 21 million and goes back at least ten years.    Virtually every government employee from janitorial to intelligence officers to Congressional staffers to Supreme Court Justices was included.  

That next door neighbor of yours, the oddball who you swear must be a spook for the C.I.A.... well, China now knows the answer to that question for sure and the records are for sale on the "dark net." 

Blame Bush. 

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