Saturday, August 14, 2010



The radical left-wing has taken to gutter politics again. This time, they are putting up candidates of their own and then trying to claim that the candidates are really Tea Party members, when local Tea Partiers have never heard of them. This is a flagrant attempt to divide the Tea Parties against themselves and, hopefully, to split the Republican votes as well. "It's obvious it's a Democratic play," said Jason Gillman, a Tea Party activist from Traverse City, MI. 

In Michigan, state Republicans and Tea Party activists are currently trying to invalidate at least some of the candidates running under the Tea Party name. In Nevada, a judge in April ruled that Senate candidate Scott Ashjian could run under the Tea Party name despite claims that he was an imposter. Earlier this year, Republican candidate Danny Tarkanian told that "nobody" in the local Tea Party movement knew who he was and that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's supporters may have entered Ashjian into the race to help Reid. 

These activities are happening in several states. Moreover, there are also allegations that left-wingers are attending some Tea Party meetings and creating disturbances in public, bringing disfavor and criticism on legitimate Tea Party members. 

These activities are totally against the basic fundamental principles of a democracy. The fact that the Democratic Party is turning a blind eye to them underscores its complicity. Obviously, these liberals have no real arguments to substantiate their positions and have to resort to under-handed and unethical actions in order to try and force their agendas on the rest of us. They and their cohorts are to blame for most of the problems facing the country today; they need to be shouted down and removed from the light of day.

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