Monday, August 16, 2010



I’ve been called so many times by representatives of the Republican National Committee asking for donations lately that I’ve worn a hole in into the earpiece of my telephone. What’s really interesting is their reaction when I tell them that, “No, I’m definitely NOT contributing to the Republican National Committee this year. My money is going directly to the candidates.”

The argument comes from some that the Committee can’t provide background support to the candidates without funding. Others try to tell me that the bulk of candidate funding comes from the Committee. Recently, a lady proceeded to argue with me as to how I should donate my money and tried to denigrate me as a member of the Republican Party by saying that I’m not supporting the Republican Party unless I give to the Committee.

She hit the nail on the head. She needs to take the message and deliver it to the top. But, the top is not listening. The top still thinks that, when we vote for Republicans this fall, we will be subscribing to the ideals of the Party. They think it will be THEIR mandate.

They’re as dense as a San Fernando Valley fog.

The only reason we are going to be voting for Republican candidates this fall in many instance is because they are the lesser of two evils. We’re going to have to go through this cycle a few times until we get all of the politicians out who seem to think that we owe them something. There is no evidence that the National Committee has come to grips with the fact that they and their thinking are just as guilty for the problems this country faces today as are the Democrats and, indeed, the left-wing radicals as well. Further, there’s no sign that the National Committee is sincerely willing to change its ways.

If the Republican Party doesn’t step up to the plate by November, it likely will be one of three major political parties in the 2012 elections, because the Tea Party will most certainly morph into a political party of its own if substantial corrections are not made on the landscape in 2010.

In the meantime, you had Republicans spending Party money on lap dances in Los Angeles. There have been many other examples of flagrant abuse of the membership funds and support. But, there have been no changes at the top. That’s why MY money and MY support are going directly to the candidates. 

This is the last stand.  If they don't wake up, they'll be the ones to blame.  If the candidates violate my trust and my donations this time around, my money and support will be going to the Tea Party next time around. 

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