Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a dozen times. My stance on the WikiLeaks case has been and still is: What’s all of the fuss about? The President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, released Top Secret CIA documents shortly after he took office and he did it against the advice of his CIA Director, past Directors and the general public.

So, you know where I stand on that issue.

Still, the idiots in Washington and in the media want to make a big deal out of it. They want WikiLeaks and its owner to spend the rest of his life in purgatory for releasing these national secrets. Well, let’s examine some issues here. To start off with, where did he get his materials? Allegedly, he got them from a low-level enlisted guy. I don’t even know that the Marine had a Top Secret clearance himself; I doubt it, because not everyone in the military gets one. I had one, and I was one of a handful on a very large Air Force Base.

With all of the documents being released, I have to think there are at least one or two more sources. If not, why was this one enlisted guy entrusted with access to all of those documents? Historically, the rules of security around areas where Top Secret documents are manufactured and stored is so intense that it boggles my mind that these documents ever saw the light of day. Obviously, whoever was in charge of security in the location(s) where these documents were kept did not do his job.

But, it goes further. There are supposed to be routine tests of the security in place to determine whether or not the system and the people involved are safeguarding our national secrets according to the established policies and procedures. Any breach is promptly reported all of the way up the chain of command and there are thorough follow-up investigations. If those security tests were not being conducted, why not? And, it’s obvious that it went on for a lengthy period of time and would not have been discovered had it not been for the documents’ release on the WikiLeaks site.

These guys are in charge of our national security. Our national security has been falling apart ever since our President saw fit to turn the subject matter into a political tool. The whole scenario is a horrible joke on the American public. The chickens are out of the coop and the ultimate blame lies with the Commander in Chief.  

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