Thursday, March 27, 2014


“Open enrollment ends on March 31, and in fact we don’t actually have the statutory authority [emphasis added] to extend the open enrollment period in 2014,” Julie Bataille, spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, told reporters on a March 11 conference call.  In other words, either sign up by March 31st or you're going to pay the penalty...  Period. 

We all know fully well by now that when Obama and his Administration set a firm line in stone, it's akin to the 13th Commandment, right?  So, there they were, faced with lagging signups and an ominous deadline, and they did what any true Obamacrat would do in that situation... they moved the goal post and crossed their own "red line."   

You know, if Obama says anything... anything... you can't believe it even if he swears to it on a stack of Qurans.  No wonder the world blames us for being stupid.  


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