Friday, March 14, 2014


President Barack Hussein Obama II allegedly told every government agency on the face of the Earth to investigate what happened in Benghazi and to report to the American people.  Yet, we know that the FBI didn't get there until after news reporters had already been there and collected the Ambassador's diary and we know that the FBI has yet to make any report.  

We now learn that the CIA, which had at least two operatives on the ground in Benghazi at the time of the Massacre, refused... refused to conduct any investigation.   The CIA's inspector general has never conducted an investigation into what happened or why.  The CIA's response to this revelation?  "CIA's Office of the Inspector General (OIG) always reviews carefully every matter that is brought to its attention, and takes appropriate action based on a variety of factors."  Yet questions remain about the overall decision-making, possible destruction of evidence and warnings of an impending attack.  

Why won't anybody get us the answers?  Why won't Obama stop the stonewalling and cover-up? 

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