Wednesday, March 12, 2014


The U.S. Senate is madder than hell about news that the CIA has hacked Congressional computers.  The security breach involved the removal in 2010 of hundreds of pages of documents from secure machines provided to the committee by the CIA, according to Senator Dianne Feinstein.  A NEWSMAX REPORT pictures both Feinstein and Senator John McCain as being in an outrage over the disclosure.  

“On two occasions, CIA personnel electronically removed committee access to CIA documents after providing them to the committee,” Feinstein said. “This was done without the knowledge or approval of committee members and staff and in violation of our written agreements."  One CIA agent said that the access to the documents was removed upon orders from the White House. 

I suspect that the CIA was actually looking for information on Senators and Representatives in an effort to find out what they were up to.  This Obama spy-on-everyone administration needs to be dismantled and those responsible need to go to jail.   This is fascist oppression, pure and simple.   

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