Friday, March 07, 2014


Most voters would oust all current members of Congress -- including their own senators and representatives, if given the opportunity according to the latest Fox News poll.  Just 12% approve of the job Congress is doing, while 78% disapprove. 

I tend to agree with the poll.  Granted, there are a few members of Congress who should stick around, but by-and-large they should all go because they are either tainted by the Good Old Boys or they ARE Good Old Boys.   The way I see it, the Democrats are totally Progressives and a good portion of the Republicans are as well; those who are not don't seem to have the testicular fortitude to follow through with their real American objectives. 

So, why not get rid of all of them?  If you're going to try a pick a few to keep around, these should be the general parameters:
  • Elected in 2010 or 2012
  • Willing to stick their neck out for what is right for the country
  • Elected in 2004 or later and doing a damned good job.  

Anyone else should promptly go, go, go..... bye bye.  Otherwise, the GOB network and ideals will survive and we will have not accomplished anything; we will therefore be to blame for the inevitable results. 

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