Wednesday, December 09, 2015


Donald Trump has been misread and misrepresented again.  All of his enemies jumped on his claim that Muslims were dancing in the streets and on the rooftops in Jersey City after the towers came down on 9/11.  As it turns out, he was correct and, by the way, not one soul apologized.  

Now, faced with the fact that our president and his administration don't have a clue about how Americans feel regarding our national security right now, faced with the fact that we do not have adequate safeguards against terrorists entering this country and in the aftermath of the San Bernardino attack,  Trump suggests that we need to stop the influx of Muslims into the country until we can "get a grip" on what is going on.  

And once again, the clamor for Trump to be buried in a sea of righteous indignity surges to the surface.  

So, let's examine what he did NOT say.  He did not say to end the travel of all Muslims to our country for now and for ever.  He's talking about non-citizens who have not been to our country before for only as long as it takes for us to discern who they really are and and devise realistic standards and procedures for vetting them.  

I don't think he goes far enough.  

We need to seriously close our Canadian and Mexican borders.  We need to stop all travel to our country from anybody, regardless of country of origin, religion, or otherwise until we can discern who they really are and satisfy ourselves that they are coming here for peaceful purposes.  Of course, I leave travel open to U.S. citizens, military personnel and those who have been traveling back and forth to our country in the past... providing that we can assure ourselves that they pose no risk to us. 

We cannot afford to be reactive any loner.  San Bernardino is the tip of a dangerous iceberg.  We need to be proactive and take positive steps to protect our country and we need to limit access to our country until those protections can be implemented.  

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