Monday, February 22, 2016


Here's what Apple is now saying about that I-Phone being used by the terrorist and why they can't retrieve information from it:

Farook's phone was actually owned by San Bernardino County.  When the county IT tech learned that Farook had been killed by the cops, he had no idea where that phone was... so he remotely changed the passcode. And when that happened, all of the information on the phone became inaccessible. 

Something smells here. The IT guy had to know the old passcode to the phone as well as the new one.  So, why can't he access that information?  Or, if that is true, that means that every I-Phone user is going to lose all of his information whenever he changes the passcode.  

I'll be damned if I'd buy a phone like that.  I mean, you change your passcode on a regular basis, don't you?  At least whenever you think it might have been compromised.  And,it's okay for you to lose everything on the phone whenever you do?  

Yeah, something does smell here, like a dead fish on the back seat of Tim Cook's car.  

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