Tuesday, July 01, 2014


Back in the beginning of this Administration, the subject of immigration reform came up.  Two key issues presented them selves: sealing the borders and giving blanket amnesty to those who had already crossed.  Obama said that after he got his blanket amnesty, then he would seal the borders.  Having been duped by this strategy once before by the Democrats, the Republicans replied they wanted the borders sealed and if the Administration agreed to do that, they were will to talk amnesty.

That's where the situation stands today, with one exception: as soon as Obama found out he wasn't going to get what he wanted, he quit enforcing all laws with respect to the border with Mexico.  He initiated a "capture and release" program which has virtually left the borders wide open.  Ask any Border Patrol Agent and they'll tell you exactly what I just said. 

Furthermore, when Arizona decided to try and resolve the problem for themselves, at least along the Arizona border, Obama sicked Holder and the Department of Justice on Arizona.  

Yesterday, Obama blamed the Republicans for the border problem and vowed that he will take steps to fix the problem without Congress.  

Our real celebration of Independence in this country will be the day he leaves office.  

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