Thursday, July 31, 2014


In response to Obama's insolent messages to Russia about the continued artillery fire from from Russia into Ukraine, the refusal to arrange for access to the Malaysian Jetliner crash site and Russia's resumption of cruise missile tests in 2008 in violation of its treaty with the U.S., Vladimir Putin has made a very ominous move: he's strengthening relations with Cuba.  

This rejuvenation of Cuban ties includes the reestablishment of a Russian spy base in Cuba.  Russia is also offering military aid to Cuba again.  My question is this:  Who is to blame?  Is it Putin's arrogance or Obama's weakness, or a combination of both? 

Will Russia reinstall ICBM's in Cuba?  Has he already done so?  What do you think our illustrious President will do about it?  I mean, you have to admit Obama is no Kennedy. 

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